Fresh audio product: COP27 climate conference, masculinity and militarism

Just added to my radio archive (click on date for link): November 24, 2022  Tina Gerhardt on the COP27 climate conference, and Lyle Jeremy Rubin, author of Pain Is Weakness Leaving the Body, on masculinity, the Marines, and imperial violence

Fresh audio product: politics after the elections, racism vs. social democracy

Just added to my radio archive (click on date for link): November 17, 2022 Jodi Dean on the political landscape in the wake of last week’s election • Tobias Hübinette, author of this article, on the role of immigration in the backlash against Swedish social democracy

Fresh audio product: Israel moves further right, Iran’s tripartite structure, Ontario labor upsurge

Just added to my radio archive (click on date for link): November 10, 2022 Joel Schalit on the return of Bibi Netanyahu in Israel, now in coalition with the religious right • Mohammad Salemy on the tripartite structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran • Megan Kinch, about a labor upsurge in Ontario

fresh audio product: Brazil and Iran

Just added to my radio archive (click on date for link): November 3, 2022 political economist Alfredo Saad-Filho on the Brazilian elections • Mina Khani and Mohammad Salemy on the women-led uprising in Iran