Varoufakis marginalized?

A follow-up to my last post. I asked Yanis Varoufakis what we should make of talk about Tsipras having marginalized him. His answer: “A first class example of coordinated disinformation at a global scale!”

A coup in Greece?

I emailed Yanis Varoufakis last night and asked how he was holding up. To my surprise, he answered: “[W]e certainly are facing a coup. The wall of lies is becoming absurdly tall.”

Hillary’s announcement

Good lord, Hillary’s announcement video is appallingly banal. As someone said on my Facebook page, it’s like an old United Colors of Benetton ad. For perspective, here’s Carl Bernstein’s description of Bill’s first inauguration: Every opportunity was exploited to contrast the egalitarian values and youth of the Clintons with the privileged era of Reagan and Bush, a plutocratic epoch that Hillary, more than Bill, believed was now in final retreat; and to proclaim a transparency in government that would extinguish all vestiges of Nixonian secrecy and paranoia in the White House. The tab for the week… Read More

Strike Debt & the Corinthian resisters

Someone asked me on Facebook yesterday what I’d written on Strike Debt and I posted some links from this site. One of the Strike Debt organizers, Astra Taylor, wrote me to complain how hard that was to read after all the work she and others have done organizing debt resistance at Corinthian College. She’s right, and I’m sorry to have brought all that up again. I wrote those critiques of the debt buyback program, which seemed politically murky to me. But the Corinthian actions are totally admirable. Corinthian is a chain of crappy… Read More