Obama’s “progressive base”

I just read this in a magazine: “Obama will also need a push from the progressive base that elected him in 2008….” Wow. Sad. Give it up, guys. He’s just not that into you.

Me interviewing David Graeber

A reminder—this is tomorrow: Debt A Conversation with Doug Henwood and David Graeber August 23, 7:30pm Melville House Bookstore 145 Plymouth St, Brooklyn Debt is now the central issue of our time: With the rise of cheap and unsustainable credit, un-repayable mortgages collapsed the world economy in 2008. In Europe, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Iceland and Portugal have pushed the European economy to a perilous point, threatening the Euro. And we’ve just lived through a debt crisis of our own, with congress nearly forcing U.S. default. We’ll be joined by two guests to… Read More